
February 2019 ACT

The 2019 February ACT is approaching and it is time to start studying. Come in for 1 on 1 tutoring at Dugan Prep, where you will have access to our quizlets and ACT tactics that have everything you need to achieve a great score on the ACT. We also offer free practice tests to help students practice taking the ACT. The CollegeBoard no longer offers a January SAT, so the next chance at a standardized test is the February 9th, 2019 ACT.

The Dugan Prep Advantage: 

-The benefits of ACT tutoring far outweigh the costs. Spending money on tutoring will lead to score improvement, which can help students earn scholarships for hitting certain ACT scores. For example, at Ohio State University, you can earn a full scholarship, 100% tuition free, with a 34 on the ACT along with good grades. Higher ACT scores allow students to attend more prestigious universities. This will improve job prospects and give them name recognition from those prestigious universities for the rest of their lives.

-1 on 1 tutoring. In some class settings, a student could be behind or ahead of what the class is learning, which in no way benefits the student. A 1 on 1 ACT tutoring session allows our tutors to cater their lessons and practice around the student, not the class. The tutor can then assist a student with their biggest weaknesses or sections that they need practice on, not what the class as a whole needs.

-The Socratic Method. At Dugan Prep, we pride ourselves on teaching students to learn and understand everything they are being taught as opposed to having our students just memorize information. We put this into practice by using the Socratic method, where instead of just giving students answers, we ask the students questions to lead them through the problem and understand how the problem works. After we teach a lesson, we require students to require explain how they arrived at their solution and we frequently quiz them on topics that they have already learned. This is far more effective than lecturing or explaining alone.

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