With our 1 on 1 tutoring, students are learning new methods during 100% of their time here.
At other tutoring classes, students spend most of their time waiting.
At other tutoring classes, they’re either waiting for a slower classmate to finally understand the topic, or they’re waiting while the teacher explains the hardest problem to the star pupil.
Our 1 on 1 tutoring solves these problems, letting students learn understandable new methods during 100% of their time here.
We have tutors who scored a 1600 on the SAT.
Plus other tutors with 1500+ scores
Questions on the ACT and SAT follow a pattern.
We created 32 categories of questions that students will see on the Reading, Writing, and Math sections.
Our tutors teach students how to recognize and solve every question in every category.
Instead of guessing or hacking together a solution, they will know exactly what to do for each problem.